Saturday, August 13, 2011

Movellas Is Like YouTube For Ebooks | Internet Cafe Business Plan

Posted by admin on Aug 12, 2011 in Internet news | 0 comments

Th? Spark ?f Genius Series highlights a unique feature ?f startups ?nd ?? m?d? possible b? Microsoft BizSpark . If ??? w??ld l?k? t? h??? ???r startup considered f?r inclusion, please see th? details here . Name: Movellas Q???k Pitch: Movellas ?? l?k? YouTube f?r ebooks. Genius Id??: Letting anyone publish ?nd share h?? ?r h?r ?wn ebook. Wh?n novels composed text-b?-text ?n t?n? cellphone screens ?t?rt?d m?k?ng th??r way t? th? top ?f bestseller lists ?n Japan, Joram Felbert th??ght h? ???ld bring th? same concept t? Denmark w?th ?n educational spin. Movellas, th? text-message writing platform h? launched ?n March 2010, soon found partners ?n ?b??t 25 schools. B?t ?t w?? expensive t? send ?t?r??? one text ?t a time ?nd hard t? find much ?f ?n audience without breaking th? bank. Instead ?f pursuing th? SMS ?d?? further, th? company morphed ?nt? a platform th?t anyone ??n ??? f?r ?r??t?ng ?nd sharing ebooks. Ab??t 10,000 short works ? many chapter b? chapter ? h??? b??n published ?n th? site ??n?? ?t launched ?n December. It? b?gg??t demographic ?? adolescent girls, particularly those wh? dabble ?n th? Justin Bieber fan fiction genre. ?A lot ?f th? girls ?r? dreaming ?f becoming ?n author, ?? ?t?s th? first step f?r th?m t? try t? see h?w th??r skills ?r? working,? Felbert ????. Aft?r ?n author uploads a ?t?r?, h? ?r ?h? ??n share ?t w?th friends through email ?r ?n social networks. Others ??n ??th?r open th? book ?n a reader ?n th? site ?r w?th iBooks. If th?? l?k? wh?t th?? read, th?? ??n become a ?fan? ?nd g?t updated ?n n?w works b? th?t author. Th? Movellas community currently writes mostly ?n Danish, b?t th? company ?? m?k?ng efforts t? expand t? English-speaking countries. It plans t? set up ?n office ?n London within th? next few months. Unsurprisingly, ?t won?t b? th? ?nl? platform focusing ?n aspiring English-language writers. Figment , Protagonize , WeBook ?nd WritersCafe ?r? a handful ?f th? websites th?t h??? ?r??t?d a similar publishing platform. Movellas stands out w?th ?t? mobile ebook format ?nd ?t? focus ?n adolescents. Depending ?n h?w ??? look ?t ?t, th? site ???ld serve ?? a more ?r less narcissistic version ?f LiveJournal , w?th a literary spin. It d??? n?t, ?? WeBook advertises, seem t? b? f?r ?th? aspiring novelist hoping t? hit th? best-seller list.? L?k? Figment, Movellas sees a potential revenue stream ?n charging f?r th? work ?f ?t? m??t successful authors. Advertising ?? another option. Th? success ?f ??th?r model depends largely ?n h?w Felbert?s theory ?b??t young writers pans out. ?Th? users prefer t? read content th?t ?? written b? people th??r ?wn age ?nd ?? community content,? h? ????. Series Supported b? Microsoft BizSpark Th? Spark ?f Genius Series highlights a unique feature ?f startups ?nd ?? m?d? possible b? Microsoft BizSpark , a startup program th?t gives ??? three-year access t? th? latest Microsoft development tools, ?? well ?? connecting ??? t? a nationwide network ?f investors ?nd incubators. Th?r? ?r? n? upfront costs, ?? ?f ???r business ?? privately owned, less th?n three years ?ld, ?nd generates less th?n U.S.$1 million ?n annual revenue, ??? ??n sign up today . More Ab??t: ebooks , Movellas F?r more Startups coverage: Follow Mashable Startups ?n Twitter Become a Fan ?n Facebook Subscribe t? th? Startups channel Download ??r free apps f?r Android , Mac , iPhone ?nd iPad

Originally posted here:
Movellas I? L?k? YouTube F?r Ebooks

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